EMS has started their Pennies for Patients campaign. It will run from Monday March 2- Friday March 20th. The following information was sent home last week
1.) The parent letter that explains the campaign and prizes that students may earn by donating. This year we also are using the online component. All teachers have a classroom page. (Check emails for the link)
2.) Flyers with the dress up days for the upcoming three weeks. (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Attached is the flyer to post in your classroom.
3.) Student collection boxes.
Rewards will be given:
Weekly: Top three classes overall: Free Dress passes
Overall: Pizza party for the class that brings in the most!
Pennants are given to classes that raise over $100.
The theme is: “Hero Squad: Together we can Change Cancer.” Dress up days are listed below.
Week 1:
3/3 Superhero day: Hero Squad: Together we can change cancer
3/5 Favorite Sports Day: Team up against cancer
Week 2:
3/10 Twin Day: Double up for a cure
3/12 Cowboy Day: Help give cancer the boot
Week 3:
3/17 Wear green: Bring on the green…dollar day!
3/18 Dress to Impress: Dazzling Dimes Day